Vasco Guerra

I am associate professor with Agregação at the Department of Physics of IST and member of the N-PRiME group of Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear (IPFN). I graduated in Engineering Physics at IST in 1991. I received the MSc and PhD degrees in Physics from Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (IST) in 1994 and in 1998, respectively.

My research focuses on the modeling of non-equilibrium kinetics of low-temperature molecular plasmas. In 2016 I was awarded the William Crookes Plasma Prize, co-sponsored by the European Physical Society and the Institute of Physics Publishing, “for the outstanding contribution to the modeling of molecular low-temperature plasmas.” Within PIONEER, I am mostly involved in the study of the fundamentals and mechanisms of CO2 plasmas interacting with surfaces.

Institution: Instituto Superior Técnico Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear (IST-IPFN) IST-IPFN
1st Supervisor: Chloé Fromentin
2nd Supervisor: Maik Budde
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